Black blocs
Black blocs

black blocs

In Washington, he marched with protesters who harassed diners. In Portland, Ore., he marched with people who shot fireworks at the federal court building. He says he respects the idealistic goal of a hierarchy-free society that anarchists embrace, but grew increasingly uncomfortable with the tactics used by some anarchists, which he feared would set off a backlash that could help get President Trump re-elected. Quinn, a 40-something theater student who worked at Univision until the pandemic, has spent the past four months marching with “black bloc” anarchists in half a dozen cities across the country, chronicling the experience on his website, Public Report. What he discovered instead were true believers in “insurrectionary anarchism.” He expected to find white supremacists who wanted to help re-elect President Trump by stoking fear of Black people. He decided to go to a protest dressed like that himself, to figure out what was really going on. Quinn began studying footage of looting from around the country and saw the same black outfits and, in some cases, the same masks. A white man, clad in black, had broken the window with a crowbar, but walked away without taking a thing. Quinn took pictures of another store being looted. A group of men, dressed entirely in black, milled around nearby, like supervisors. But there was something odd about the scene. He arrived to find young people pouring out of the store, shoeboxes under their arms. However, Ansible still reports a failure in the playbook statistics.On the last Sunday in May, Jeremy Lee Quinn, a furloughed photographer in Santa Monica, Calif., was snapping photos of suburban moms kneeling at a Black Lives Matter protest when a friend alerted him to a more dramatic subject: looting at a shoe store about a mile away. The rescued task is considered successful, and does not trigger max_fail_percentage or any_errors_fatal configurations.

black blocs

If an error occurs in the block and the rescue task succeeds, Ansible reverts the failed status of the original task for the run and continues to run the play as if the original task had succeeded. The always section runs regardless of the results of the block and rescue sections. If any tasks in the block return failed, the rescue section executes tasks to recover from the error. name : Attempt and graceful roll back demo block : - name : Print a message : msg : 'I execute normally' - name : Force a failure : /bin/false - name : Never print this : msg : 'I never execute, due to the above task failing, :-(' rescue : - name : Print when errors : msg : 'I caught an error' - name : Force a failure in middle of recovery! >:-) : /bin/false - name : Never print this : msg : 'I also never execute :-(' always : - name : Always do this : msg : "This always executes" Bad task definitions and unreachable hosts will not trigger the rescue block. Ansible only runs rescue blocks after a task returns a ‘failed’ state. This approach is similar to exception handling in many programming languages. Rescue blocks specify tasks to run when an earlier task in a block fails. You can control how Ansible responds to task errors using blocks with rescue and always sections. We recommend using names in all tasks, within blocks or elsewhere, for better visibility into the tasks being executed when you run the playbook.

black blocs

Names for blocks have been available since Ansible 2.3. Finally, ignore_errors: true ensures that Ansible continues to execute the playbook even if some of the tasks fail. All three tasks also inherit the privilege escalation directives, running as the root user. In the example above, the ‘when’ condition will be evaluated before Ansible runs each of the three tasks in the block.


Tasks : - name : Install, configure, and start Apache block : - name : Install httpd and memcached : name : - httpd - memcached state : present - name : Apply the foo config template : src : templates/src.j2 dest : /etc/foo.conf - name : Start service bar and enable it : name : bar state : started enabled : True when : ansible_facts = 'CentOS' become : true become_user : root ignore_errors : true

  • Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules.
  • Virtualization and Containerization Guides.
  • Protecting sensitive data with Ansible vault.
  • Playbook Example: Continuous Delivery and Rolling Upgrades.
  • Discovering variables: facts and magic variables.
  • Working with language-specific version managers.
  • Controlling where tasks run: delegation and local actions.

  • Black blocs